A Manual On Writing A Simple Term Paper

Writing a term paper can be a stressful time for a college student.  As a student, you have to recall all of the information that you have learned for the entire semester and composed a well-written term paper on the subject. This can be stressful because most students don’t know how to write a term paper and have not learned the proper way to do their homework in high school, which can make college difficult for them.  I will outline the ways that you can write you term paper and give you tips on how to approach every college assignment, you are assigned.

Manual On Writing A Term Paper

  • As with any paper that you are about to write, you have to choose the topic that you will be using for you term paper.  Depending on the instructions given to you by your instructor, you might have to pick one topic or do a general term paper on the class that the term paper for the class.
  • Now that you have chosen your topic, it’s time to start doing you research.  Make sure that you find good sources for your term paper, you don’t want to hand in a paper that has subpar facts to support your topic.
  • Since you now know where your topic is going to go in your paper, write your thesis statement.  This is the topic that your entire paper will be about; so make sure that it’s a good one.
  • Start an outline of your term paper; break it up into sections for each part of your term paper this will make it easier write later.  Also include your references there as well because you will need them later for your reference section.
  • Write you introduction, this should have a strong opening and your thesis statement.  This part is where you want to get the reader’s attention.
  • Next you want to construct the body of your paper, this should have supporting facts about your thesis and tell the reader about what you have learned. And don’t forget to write your conclusion after the body of the paper.  This part needs to be just as strong as the introduction and can close the topic or leave it open for further exploration.


  • Start your term paper early and make a schedule of the work that needs to be done, in a timely fashion.
  • Double check what format your instructor wants the term paper to be completed in, APA, MLA, Chicago Style, etc.
  • Always edit and proofread your work well before handing it in.  You don’t want to lose points on something so simple as grammar.